Energy Therapy

360 Degree Program

Turning your life around doesn’t have to be a major effort. Using Trance Therapies® you can develop specific areas in a very pleasant way gaining significant results in matter of […]

More and more attunements are being used as a means to self heal but they were never intended that way once you moved past Reiki 1. They were the tool of the […]

Spiritual Development

If you are looking for increased intuitive ability and an exploration of your own strengths, this is the program for you. We all have a starting point that can make […]

Let me break this down a bit, I have seen many individuals      attune to energy frequencies and feel better, there are just as many that feel as though […]

Core Healing: Trauma Exposed

I believe the most significant issue with healing that for many takes on a life mission approach rather than a solution approach, is the haphazard way in which individuals, and spiritual […]