Vibrational Expansion Technique® of healing


sisterhood of the rose

This is more than just another modality or a new name for Seichim, Shugendo or Reiki. V.E.T takes advantage of the needs of the recipient and the practitioner bows to those needs responding by being an active conduit of multiple vibrations. It is a true channeling that originates with the client and finds a response in universal frequencies, the vibrant earth, its people and the fundamental chaotic energies the quantum frequencies.
During any session the client literally expands or opens up to a few select or hundreds of strands of light, that look to me, like bar codes, as the practitioner moves an energetic hand over the client requirements change, sometimes being hot and intense, other times relaxed and calming while yet in another position cool, even cold, These are normal changes in any therapy where the practitioner is truly listening, feeling and responding to needs that are emitted from the body, through the body, the cells, organs, flesh and bone into chakras the aura and beyond. The Vibrational Expansion Technique Does what Reiki 1 was originally intended to do, it creates a permanent change in the recipient, invoking a healing response to what the body or mind sees as a priority. As the practitioner it is your job to ensure their focus is on the origin of body or mind issues so that many of the symptoms that come after are reduced or eliminated quickly.

Neither the Chakras or the Aura are causal, but they do indicate how a person has evolved through life experiences from conception to the present day. They are a running report on genetic and consequently cellular changes that determine the diseases you are prone to, how you age along with mobility as aging occurs. Learning to read both areas and relate back necessary information to those with chronic disorders of the mind or body encourages appropriate expansion in the recipient, All qualified practitioners know their stuff in regards to the relationship between survival, mind, belief, early life training and body. With a minimum of 12 modules training for professionals or serious amateurs (no previous attunements or qualification is necessary), while those with diplomas have clocked up 18 modules.(this is professional level only with practitioner level requirement). All students receive ongoing webinar workshops in a continued advancement of knowledge and technique often stunning their clients with their accuracy and ongoing commitment to the profession of healing. Yes I can be a proud mama.

V.E.T. is a solution based therapy which means there is an expected end, a point where healing is in the past. From conception to death cells are in a constant state of evolution trying to make life easier, as odd as that may seem for some, if the belief in living a good life is not life enhancing it will actually become easier to fall into cycles of behaviour that do not serve or reflect one’s true nature, indication of this is self loathing, feeling unworthy, depression and anxiety not to mention a host of body issues which represent the inner workings (literally) of belief. The constant attempts to separate the body from spirit by those on both sides of the spiritual fence is demeaning to humanity and offers only partial solutions to holistic problem solving.

dritaDevelop the skills of personal and shared vibrational expansion, learn to see auras, read chakras with precision, discover the body connection and follow energetic trails of information. Add to skills of nursing, teaching, clairvoyance, massage and other body centred strategies and psyche qualifications to get improved results and enhanced interpretive skills.

12 module course incorporating Vibrational Expansions, Communication Skills, Energy Psychology and many other aspects of Vibrational Therapy.

Distance Education allows you to schedule your learning around your work and family commitments, this is a fully supported interactive course with thorough assignment evaluation. I encourage interaction throughout the course to ensure a successful outcome, there is a two year allowance for completion. 12 months average and of course you can complete quicker if you can allow more time to do so.

Vibrational Expansion occurs when one opens to a greater number and/or higher frequency energies . This can be achieved by personal intention, life experience, or can be assisted. The aim of this course is to ensure any person wishing to practice professionally or on an amateur basis can do so with confidence. Whether you want to increase skills for family or personal use to develop yourself or gain a professional acknowledgement this course is aiming at a deeper understanding of the practices associated with healing and energy work.

When utilizing the Vibrational Expansion Technique® with a client you are effectively encouraging them to embrace expansion themselves as opposed to supplying a predetermined frequency for their use, by using this method of energy therapy your client will be actually selecting the number and type of frequencies for themselves which in turn virtually guarantees positive results that are very specific and real.

This is a correctional technique which has long term and ongoing repercussions for an individual, the therapy continues long after a client has moved on. They are most likely to experience ongoing lifestyle and emotional changes that enhance their lives on every level. Throughout the course you will be challenged to expand; self development and awareness is part of the experience, only by gaining insight into human nature and the influences that affect you can you help others to enhance their life experience. If you already have trained in Reiki, Seichim or other modalities or are a body centred practitioner, the techniques learned and the application of energy therapy throughout this course will be unlike anything you have learned to date. The depth of the information is second to none.

There is a strong emphasis on Communication Skills , Practical Application and Solution Based Therapy. Each Module comes with a detailed and well presented manual to assist in ongoing study. Assignments, Case Studies and Hands on in Class training are requirements in this course, all of which are assessed fortnightly, Dorothy maintains a 100% support program through the whole course to ensure your success.

12 Chakras  

(anyone can do the first 2 modules to enhance clairvoyant abilities and develop aura awareness, I will certificate these as individual  accomplishments not as practitioner training)
2-4 hours written and therapy assignments
Energy Therapy

The Chakras

Vibrational Expansion

Case Studies
This module is focused on the whole, how to conduct a session, recognizing the twelve chakras, how to complete a case study, and a vibrational expansion. There are two meditations included and a fully colour manual

Module Two


2-4 hours written and therapy assignments


Aura Interpretation

Identifying Issues

Vibrational Expansion
Meditations to assist in seeing the aura, practice in interpretation and Vibrational expansion, how to identify issues and determine a solution. This part of the course gives a direct approach to working with a client and self diagnosis.

Module Three


2-4 hours written and therapy assignments

Working with Colour

Chakra’s and Colour

Colour Therapy

Vibrational Expansion
The complexity of colour in therapy always makes this an intense workshop, aligning the colour frequencies and the chakras, and the environment for specific purpose. Learn about how colour frequency actually works and why it is so important, while gaining insight into the aura and chakras. Includes meditations and Vibrational Expansion

Module Four

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments

Related Intuitive Practices

Clairvoyance/the Cards

Interpreting Information

Vibrational Expansion
Learn to use the tools of the trade, effectively, quickly and with confidence. Again we address interpretation as this would be the weak area for most. A look at cards, pendulums, crystals etc. A day of readings and interesting discoveries about your own intuitive abilities. These abilities will be integrated into your energy therapy techniques.

Module Five

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments
Healing Symbols

Healing the past

Absent Healing

Vibrational Expansion
The implications for personal growth in this module are obvious, use of symbols as a short hand for a frequency of energy for a specific purpose have been used for thousands of years and are very effective especially when learning. Regression and how to perform them are on the agenda in this module

Module Six

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments



Anxiety and other issues

Working with Anger
This is a very intense module where we focus on TʼnT (Transformational Therapy) This works and gives your client the opportunity for quick results, if you smoke then look out, techniques that slide under the barriers that are the natural defense mechanisms for those with addictive

Module Seven

and the
2-4 hours written and therapy assignments

Advanced Aura Diagnosis

Physiology & the Aura

Body Mapping

Extended Diagnosis
We up the tempo here, by now you will have a full understanding of the energy system and basic energy therapy techniques, here we start to integrate the knowledge with reality and application in a clinic situation. The work load goes up here also, you need these hours to gain a full understanding as we go, it makes all the difference.

Module Eight

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments

The Body & the Chakra’s

Cellular Regeneration

Pain & the Brain

Mind Body Connections
In this module we explore the psychology of pain, pain management and how the body interacts with the chakras to create physical problems, and how the chakras can be used to radically change the behaviour of the cells. This is Thought Field Therapy Technique beneficial for those with chronic illness.

Module Nine

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments
Advanced Chakra Diagnosis

Dissecting a Chakra


We go inside the chakra to gain an understanding of the internal workings and aspects that are generally not included in a chakra balancing, this is a whole new world that will reveal the parts that make up the whole and how this affects a reading of chakras, most readings of a chakra are superficial at best, things get very complex here. I utilize every piece of technology at my disposal to ensure a complete understanding on your part.

Module 10

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments

Advanced Chakra Diagnosis

Dominant Chakras

Converting A Chakra

Realigning Chakra’s
The development of the chakras place a huge part in the end result for an adult, this is a radical therapy that is an almost instant solution to long term problems, at this point you will be able to recognize, diagnose, and find a solution for problems without effort. If you have been practicing.

Module Eleven

2-4 hours written and therapy assignments

Working With Clients

Art of Delivery

Technique for Success

Vibrational Expansion
An emphasis on communication skills and an introduction to life support strategies for continued success when a client (or you) has embarked on a life changing program. Real client’s hands on therapy and diagnosis. Discussion and prep for exam.

Module Twelve

Pre Exam Run through

Exam part 1
Written exam

Exam part 2
Practitioner Assessment

Yahoo you’ve done it!!! Now you can run off and practice your skills, or go on to join an elite group of professional therapists worldwide.

Vibrational Expansion Technique®
Diploma Course

This is a 6 module course covering advanced techniques in energy therapy, open only to those who hold a Practitioners Certificate in the Vibrational Expansion Technique®. here we have an opportunity to focus on specific areas of health and well being incorporating the separate systems within the human body, with a strong emphasis on chronic disorders, creating a management plan for health and well being, nutrition for the soul and body, applying energy through specific points to target organs, sports therapies, and accurate diagnosis. Manipulating energy and flow for specific results and laser accurate diagnostics.

Client management, Ethics and Communication are an ever important part of these courses. Each class will spend time exploring the mind and its potential, both to heal and create barriers to healing. Learn to recognize behaviours and deal with them appropriately.
This is a comprehensive course that will leave the student confident in his/her abilities and understanding of the more complex aspects of Energy Therapy. The course is followed by an exam, (this will require some study), the successful student receiving a Diploma in Energy Therapy.

Module one

Heart and Mind

Body; Circulatory System

Mind; Attitude to life

Applied Energy Therapy

In Practice

Module two
Fears and the Body

The Body; The Nervous System

The Mind; Fears and Phobias

Applied Energy Therapy

In Practice

Module Three
The breath and Emotions

The Body: The Respiratory System

The Mind: Emotions

Applied Energy Therapy

In Practice

Module Four
Guilt and the Muscles

The Body: Muscle Groups

The Mind: Belief ,Ability, Action

Applied Energy Therapy

In Practice

Module Five
Bones and Strength

The Body; Skeletal Structure

The Mind; Strength and commitment

Applied Energy Therapy

In Practice

Module Six
Thinking and Chemical Response

The Body; The Brain

The Mind; Thought

Applied Energy Therapy

In Practice

Distance education has the advantage of timing the course to suit work and family commitments, 12 months are allowed for completion, extensions allowed on request. all distance courses are fully supported in an ongoing and personal basis with msn, yahoo, or skype online options for instant feedback or information, an in depth review of assignments and a lively interactive relationship with your tutor is encouraged

Upon completion of the course, Assignments and by passing the exam you will have achieved a practitioners certificate in the Vibrational Expansion Technique®, these certificates are not given away but well earned by the students ensuring that clients know that you have undertaken a full training program and can have the confidence that as a trained practitioner they can achieve the very best results..



PLEASE NOTE:::: From December 2016 prices will be increasing:

Single Module $220
Practitioner Training $2,200 12 modules
Diploma $1,200 6 modules
Complete Program $3,000 18 modules



Course Prospectus and Guide

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